Our Mission

To empower and amplify the voices of the Wisconsin Muslim community through civic engagement, research, and advocacy, striving to foster a more inclusive and equitable society for all Wisconsinites.

Our Vision

We envision a Wisconsin where the Muslim community is fully integrated, actively engaged, and positively contributing to the state's social, economic, and political fabric. Through education, collaboration, and advocacy, we aim to create a future where every community member has a voice and equal opportunities for success.

Welcome to the Wisconsin Muslim Civic Foundation (WMCF), a 501c3 public service foundation dedicated to empowering and amplifying the voices of the Wisconsin Muslim community. Our mission is to foster a more inclusive and equitable society for all Wisconsinites through civic engagement, research, and advocacy.

At WMCF, we believe in the power of collaboration and education to effect positive change. Our vision is of a Wisconsin where the Muslim community is fully integrated, actively engaged, and positively contributing to the social, economic, and political fabric of the state. We strive to create a future where every member of our community has a voice and equal opportunities for success.

Through our programs and initiatives, we work tirelessly to promote civic engagement, conduct research, and advocate for the issues facing the Wisconsin Muslim community. We believe that working together can build a better future for all Wisconsinites.

Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive and equitable Wisconsin for generations to come.